One voice.

Better care.


Keeping our knowledge and skills current


Building resiliency and celebrating achievements


Optimizing the function of our hospital


Growing our professional community


Unifying and strengthening member voice


Making a contribution to our community

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The Penticton Work-Life Balance

We welcome the opportunity to showcase our hospital as your future place of work. Let us introduce you to our team and show you around our community. Learn about why Penticton is one of Canada’s preferred places to live and work!


Department Head Onboarding

Funded through Facility Engagement, this project was designed to improve succession planning for Department Heads by formalizing the handover process. Lead by Dr. Shannon Walker, a Department Head onboarding package was developed to inform, mentor and provide important resources for new department heads to help ease the transition into their new role. To learn more about how to access mentorship funds and the onboarding package please contact us.